Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Front Runner (2018)

This film details how just one question can derail an entire Presidential campaign.
It is 1988 and Colorado Senator Gary Hart (Hugh Jackman) is going to be the next President of the United States, focused on the issues and the future of the country, with youth on his side, he seems prefect, too bad he can't stay faithful to his wife.
With some murky methods, some Miami Herald reports discover that Gary had a pretty blonde woman (Sara Paxton) in his Washington DC townhouse for several hours on a Saturday afternoon.
Did he sleep with her? He doesn't say much on the topic because he feels that who he's having coitus with isn't going to affect what he can do for this country and it's beneath him. But while most of country believes the Herald went too far (questionable), they no longer trust Hart and the press hounds him, his wife, Lee (Vera Farmiga, appropriately livid) and daughter, Andrea (the always good Kaitlyn Dever) so much, he drops out of race. It is probably a wise decision as the Washington Post also received some pictures of Hart with another woman who isn't his wife.
This film brings up some serious points. But while it mattered who a Presidential candidate was sleeping with in 1988, it once again no longer mattered in 2016. Also, should the Herald have gone through such lengths to get the story or should they have waited to get all of their facts correct first? Personally, I'd side with the latter.
My main problem with the film is the absence of Gary's son, who appears in one brief scene, where is he for the rest of the film? Still, the performances are solid and the screenplay is tight and relevant and the film creates the appropriate atmosphere of 1988 America, which is no small feat. Grade: B+
Side Notes:
-Pay attention to some good supporting performances from J.K. Simmons, Alfred Molina and Mike Judge in solid roles.
-You can't help but wonder what would have happened to the US had Gary been elected President.
-Men with power need to be held to a higher standard simply because they have that power.
-Though Lee threatens to leave Gary, she doesn't.
-Hotel rooms are expensive, especially for two teenagers.

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