Saturday, May 14, 2022

Isadora (1968)

Pros: Vanessa Redgrave is a revelation as Isadora Duncan, who revolutionized dance, not to mention opened several dance schools across Europe.  She is unapologetic with how she lives her life, including having both her children out of wedlock, simply not wishing to get married. This film realistically shows an actress as pregnant and in labor, which was not common for the 1960s so that's refreshing to see. And the sets are great with flawless choreography. 

Cons: Well, in addition to the painfully tragic life Isadora led, losing all three (though only two are shown in the film) tragically young, there are other holes in her life, namely, how does Isadora become so famous in Europe? Sure, she's immensely talented, but we are not shown how she rises from a lonely dance hall gal to selling out large venues in Europe. And they show her death, which is a tragic fluke, death by scarf.

Recommend: Maybe, Redgrave is that good

Grade: B

Side Notes:

-James Fox, Jason Robards and Ivan Tchenko give good support as some of Isadora's numerous lovers.

-Isadora's costumes are similar to what is shown on Dancing with the Stars so they must have been downright scandalous for the time.

-What a performance goes awry, Isadora pulls down her blouse, barring her breasts to the conservative American audience.

-Though she does get married, the reasons seem weak to me, not to mention, Sergei (Tchenko) is borderline abusive and certainly a tortured artist. 

-It must have been difficult having out of wedlock children in the early twentieth century. 

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