Saturday, August 27, 2022

Father Stu (2022)

 Pros: Despite the spoiler alert in the title, Mark Wahlberg delivers a great performance, a character who shows real growth, Stuart Long. He's a wannabe actor who drinks too much and gets a DUI and then nearly dies when he runs a red light on his motorcycle (with no helmet) after he drinks too much yet again. He's a mess but through Carmen (Teresa Ruiz), he finds the Catholic Church and Jesus, despite his parents' (Mel Gibson and Jacki Weaver) objections. But he's popular and very much loved. And that twist (true story) is a devastating one.

Cons: Sure, the spoiler alert title and Stu is a bit creepy with Teresa, basically stalking her though the attraction eventually becomes mutual and she does put him off quite a bit, though not enough. But I don't believe she would have gone against her morals and have coitus with him before marriage, I'm not buying it. 

Recommend: Yes

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-You have to feel for Stu's parents, even though one of them is (portrayed by) Mel Gibson, they would have to bury both of their sons, which is not the way it should be.

-I wonder how Stu was able to afford all his medical bills.

-He was at fault for his own injuries, however unfortunate they may be. He went through the red light.

-Even Stu was asked to perform sexual favors to get a (ridiculously lame) job, only difference is that he fought back. 

-There are a lot of bizarre reveals toward the end of the film.

-Despite being estranged from his wife, Mel Gibson's Bill does wear a wedding ring throughout. 

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