Friday, August 5, 2022

Titanic (1997)

Pros: The art directors did fully deserve their Oscar as you do truly feel like the Titanic, in all its 1912 glory has been recreated solely for this film. The costumes are magnificent, the editing solid and the performances are relatively good. And I am a sucker for a good love story, even one as unrealistic as this one is. And the ending contains a great, killer twist which is always appreciated.

Cons: The plotline is utterly ridiculous, far-fetched and honestly, pretty stupid. It's the Titanic, they had so much source material and stories which were actually true to pick from and instead, they have to make one up and it isn't even realistic and the frame story is mostly boring until old Rose (Gloria Stuart) comes along, livening up the boring scientists. The dialogue is often clunky and the talented actors, except for Kathy Bates's unsinkable Molly Brown, is wasted. 

Recommend: It's hard to say

Grade: B

Side Notes:

-There was room on the door for Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio). I don't care what the critics say, he could have survived.

-There is no way on God's green Earth that Cal (Billy Zane) would have been able to present Rose (Kate Winslet) with a present in her dressing room without a chaperone present. 

-Same with her and Jack strolling the deck together. 

-The foreshadowing in this film is ridiculous.

-At least we did learn from Titanic's mistakes, and changes were made to ships afterwards so a tragedy like this never happens again. 

-I do appreciate that they showed the third class passengers being shut out of being saved.

-I can't help but wonder how many lawsuits stemmed from this sinking. 

-Rose is a complete fool jumping out of that lifeboat. 

-While I'm glad that little girl survived, it is low to use her just because you are too scared too die, here's looking at you, Cal.

-Why Kate Winslet doesn't get top-billing, I'll never understand.

-Rose survived out of sheer willpower. 

-As much as I love Kate and Leo, their chemistry was significantly better in 2008's Revolutionary Road, where, ironically enough, Kate is the one who dies, by her own, tragic making. 

-I love how Rose travels with her dog and goldfish. 

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