Friday, September 30, 2022

Ghost World (2001)

 Pros: Great performances by actual teenagers portraying actual teenagers, recent high school graduates, Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca (Scarlett Johannsen), this film is an interesting little film, a great character study. Initially both Enid and Rebecca are on the same page, find some sort of job and get an apartment together, forgoing the tradition choice of college. Each actress is pitch perfect as the aimless teens, having few hobbies between the two of them, though they feel everyone around them is lame. Steve Buscemi is great as Enid's kindred soul and eventual friend, Seymour, a fellow vintage music lover.

Cons: The plot is thin though the fascinating characters keep it steadily moving forward, though I wish something had worked out for any one of them as they are ultimately decent human beings and deserve happiness.

Recommend: Maybe

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-I can't help but wonder if the bus is a metaphor for death as the bus doesn't have a route on that road anymore and it first collects the old man and then drives off with Enid at the end, despondent that her life has gone nowhere.

-Though there isn't much plot, everything is intricately thought out and ties together brilliant, uniquely and honestly, probably relatively realistically. 

-Illeana Douglas is great as the bizarre art teacher who adores the simple over the complex and is even okay with plagiarism as long as its explained properly. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Good Girl (2002)

 Pros: Jennifer Aniston is brilliant as Justine, a simple woman who works a mindless, mundane job in the retail store, upset that she settled for her boring husband, Phil (John C. Reilly) and she finds a kindred soul in Holden (Jake Gyllenhaal), a troubled, young man, but they have an affair nevertheless, though it ends badly. Despite the bare bones plot, the performances are great and the scenery realistic. 

Cons: Despite Phi's anger at Justine being unfaithful, it is never okay to hit another person. And why did Justine ever find Phil a catch, so much so that she gave up college for him? I feel that was a vital piece of the film that was missing.

Recommend: Probably, solely for Jennifer Aniston's performance

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-Holden is an incredibly troubled soul and loves Catcher in the Rye, and the parallels to his own life are numerous, though the film Holden is an incredible creep.

-Tim Blake Nelson is Phil's fool of a friend, Bubba.

-Phil is a painter and loves to smoke pot with his friend and yet he wonders why is sperm count is basically nothing.

-Despite her faults, Justine swears that the baby is Phil's, though we all know that can't be the case. 

-Bubba's dog is the worst. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mr. Malcolm's List (2022)

 Pros: In the vein of Bridgerton, this is another great example of cold-blind casting for a pre-Victorian romance, complete with flawless acting and solid performances all around, from Frieda Pinto's Selina Dalton, the poor country girl, daughter of a vicar to Sope Dirisu's regal, but stiff and unyielding titular Mr. Malcolm

Cons: The plot is a bit trite and filled with unfortunate misunderstandings, the characters don't give enough credit nor do they trust their gut, not to mention the whole thing is rather stupid, a mere trifle but the film managed to be a good time.

Recommend: Maybe

Grade: B

Side Notes:

-There is a glaring inconsistency, Mr. Malcolm's mother (Dona Croll), once calls her son Jeremiah when he's always been introduced as Jeremy, so that's an issue.

-The relationship between Julia (Zawe Ashton) and Captain Henry Ossory (Theo James) is half-baked at best and probably more interesting than the main relationship though Julia is the villain of the film also so you have to take her happy ending with a grain of salt.

-Julia's servants are supposed to be comedic relief and that falls flat. 

-Rich people have far too much time on their hands.

-We never really learn what the Corn Laws were all about. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Jazzman's Blues (2022)

 Pros: Solid acting fills every inch of this independent film and the plot is a twist on something old that's already been done before with echoes of Passing and Emmett Till's life. Bayou (Joshua Boone) falls in love with the light-skinned Leanne (Solea Pfeiffer) but her nasty, cruel gold-digger of a mother, Ethel (Lana Young) takes her away only to return with both of them passing for white, Leanne married to a white man. Despite Bayou's thriving career in Chicago, at his brother's (Austin Scott's) expense, he returns home to disastrous results. 

Cons: Honestly, there were just so many nasty characters, too many to choice from and though you finally start feeling some sympathy for Willie Earl (Scott), he ruins it by turning his brother over to the racist sheriff and while Bayou's loyalty to his mama is admirable, he was a fool for returning when there was a price over his head. 

Recommend: Yes

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-I don't think we ever learn Bayou's real name.

-For the thousandth time, use protection, though in this case, I can't figure out how Leanne's baby turns out to be Bayou's when she's very married and that baby looks white, but you sort of just have to go with it.

-The frame story is stunning and is actually probably one of the best frame stories I've seen recently.

-Amirah Vann is Bayou's mama and she's fantastic and should have a bigger career.

-Joshua Boone should also have a great career.

-Ryan Eggold is the manager and Holocaust survivor though I'm surprised at how quickly his career took off in such a short time. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Nun's Story (1959)

 Pros: Audrey Hepburn's best performance as Gabrielle Van Der Mal, aka Sister Luke, a young woman who becomes a nun so she can become a nurse in the Congo. She is superb as the character suits her perfectly though it could not have been an easy role, given how difficult it was to be a nun, not only did they have to shed their worldly possessions but they also had to abandon their memories of their past so her performance is a very internal one but she packs an emotional punch in the few scenes where she shows emotion. And she's surrounded by an all-star cast, all of whom are also superb.

Cons: The plot is a bit oddly paced and parts are painfully dated, such as when Mother Mathilde (Dame Peggy Ashcroft) calls the native people of the Congo savages. And the plot spends far too much time while Sister Luke is a postulant and novice and not enough action in the Congo, such as glossing over her shining moment when she saves Father Andre's (Stephen Murray's) leg.

Recommend: Yes

Grade: A-

Side Notes:  

-The supporting cast includes Beatrice Straight, Edith Evans, Mildred Dunnock, Patricia Collinge and Margaret Phillips as the villain Sister Pauline.

-Peter Finch is the atheist Dr. Fortunati who develops an unrequited crush on Sister Luke as he truly respects her intelligence and work ethic.

-Colleen Dewhurst as a wicked little cameo as a patient on the mental ward who assaults Sister Luke.

-It is never correct or ethical to ask someone to purposely fail a test. 

-Hopefully Sister Luke continues to work for the resistance after abandoning her vows. Hopefully, she lives a happy life. 

Room at the Top (1959)

 Pros: I loved the twist of the title. I went in thinking that the affair occurred in a room at the top of the house, hidden away but rather it meant room at the top of the social pyramid, which Joe Lampton (Laurence Harvey) is trying desperately to climb, trying to fall in love with Susan (Heather Sears), the daughter of a millionaire while his heart truly lays with Alice (Simone Signoret), an older, married woman. And the acting is truly solid. There is also some inventive cinematography to liven things up. 

Cons: I can't get over the old-fashioned thinking that 35 is old and Joe isn't exactly a great character, a little mean and unappealing at times plus he's unfaithful and doesn't know what protection is, so he's not really a good catch for either woman though Alice's husband is worse, refusing to do the right thing and divorce his wife and we never find out why Alice married him in the first place.

Recommend: Maybe

Grade: A-

Side Notes:

-Despite my issues with Joe, he at least refuses to take a buyout and disappear from Susan's life.

-As he was a POW, he's probably still suffering from PTSD though that wasn't considered a thing back then.

-Though Joe is brutal to Alice in the end, he did need to marry Susan to do the right and while she was depressed, she's a grown woman and should have never gotten behind the wheel after drinking that much; she's responsible for her own choices.

-Despite the film being set in England, the accents are nearly non-existent for most of the characters, which is just odd. 

Monday, September 5, 2022

Unforgiven (1992)

 Pros: After a woman, a prostitute, Delilah (Anna Thomson) is assaulted and branded, the others pool their resources to offer reward money so revenge can be obtained. So, yes, while it is depressing that they must rely on a man (or three) to get the revenge, the screenplay is pretty solid. The acting was good too, with Gene Hackman being the stand out, winning his second Oscar for the sheriff who is full of tall (perhaps) tales but often overly cruel for the situation. 

Cons: There is a ton of violence, far too much as William Munny (Clint Eastwood) does shoot several unarmed men which is unacceptable and this film missed the chance for a good romance, which in my book, is the actually unforgivable part of this flm.

Recommend: Maybe

Grade: B+

Side Notes: 

-Though this film is filled with old men, at least it isn't entirely old white men, thanks to Morgan Freeman.

-We needed more of The Kid's (Jaimz Woolvelt's) backstory. And also, if you want to me a bounty hunter, you should have a good eyesight. 

-It is cruel and unusual how Ned (Freeman) is treated upon arrest.

-There is a Native American character who has absolutely no lines, which is a total shame. 

-The side plot involving English Bob (Richard Harris) is a bit odd and out of place, distracting us from the main story. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Schindler's List (1993)

 Pros: One of the best films of all-time though it is painfully sad, nearly completely capturing the Holocaust, a horrific part of the world's history that should also never be forgotten. Liam Neeson is memorizing as the business owner determined to profit and take advantage of the war though he eventually comes to realize that the Holocaust, the complete and shameless murder of Jews isn't right as they can also contribute to society so he fights to save them and becomes a hero in the process.

Cons: Honestly, not really any, though I do wonder how Schindler finds Stern (Ben Kingsley) in the first place and gets him to help cook the books, so to speak, but other than that, the film is a flawless masterpiece.  

Recommend: Yes, though this film should come with a trigger warning

Grade: A

Side Notes:

-The cinematography is in black and white except for the prologue and heart-wretching epilogue save for the little girl's vivid red coat and the candles at the sabbath celebration.

-Ralph Fiennes is one of the countless Nazi villains in this film, standing from his balcony, just shooting and killing random Jews just because he can. He kills the engineer and then follows her advice. 

-The epilogue consists of the actual survivors from his factory laying rocks on his grave along with the actors who portrayed them.

-Jews had to be clever, hiding in some of the grossest places around, but at least they survived.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Jurassic Park (1993)

 Pros: This film managed to keep my attention for the entire time, which is no small feat and the acting is fine which is good as the cast is packed, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Samuel L. Jackson and BD Wong. And the dinosaur animation is great, they almost seem real.

Cons: I think John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) is one of the dumbest characters is cinematic history. I mean, who would think that having a theme park with actual dinosaurs is a good idea. It is a horrible idea and several people die though that is largely to a greedy employee (Wayne Knight), who is basically the same character here as in Seinfeld. It is a shame that the entire idea is stupid as it is a waste of a good film. 

Recommend: Sure

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-It is amazing that the children (Joseph Mazzello and Ariana Richards) survive their ordeal with no serious injuries.

-Laura Dern is underused.

-Martin Ferrero, the attorney, is also a coward, abandoning the children when a dire situation arises.

-Leaving the dinosaurs in control of the island is also probably not a good idea. 

-Making all the dinosaurs female might seem like a good idea on paper but it probably won't work in the long run.

-Dinosaurs must have a very short intubation period as the embryos hatch overnight.  

-I wonder what PETA had to say about the cow and goat getting eaten by the dinosaurs. 

The Crying Game (1992)

 Pros: In addition to the superb, flawless acting, the script is a great twist on the classic tale. Fergus (Stephen Rea) is partially responsible for the death of a British soldier, Jody (Forrest Whittaker) and then follows through on his promise to care for Jody's love, Dil (Jaye Davidson) but his past catches up to him even after Dil's big reveal which is where the twist comes in so the plot constantly takes unexpected twists and turns and that is always refreshing even though this film doesn't necessarily have a happy ending.

Cons: I did know the one plot twist going in though it was still thrilling to see how Fergus would react to the news but I was confused as to why Jody was kidnapped in the first place and why Fergus's co-workers kept finding him and pulling back into that deceptive world so I wasn't thrilled with that as I was expecting a more tender love story. 

Recommend: Yes

Grade: A-

Side Notes:

-Apparently, Jim Broadbent is the trusty bartender who also serves as a message passer.

-Miranda Richardson was the honey trap for Jody.

-While there is plenty of mutual respect, I don't really think the relationship Fergus and Dil have is healthy.

-I can't help but wonder if the song sung throughout the film, 'The Crying Game' is original to the film or not. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

I Came By (2022)

 Pros: A taunt thriller with a crazy, unpredictable plot line is always welcome, and while justice is served, there is much death and destruction along the way, especially two of three big named stars end up dead at the hands of a monster. However, I like a film that is interesting and this one is, in a painful sort of way.

Cons: You can't kill George MacKay off so soon in a film, even though his character was an asshole, but at least he wasn't a sociopath as Hugh Bonneville was. And though the film is perceived to be about two young guys tagging the homes of rich people, the plot is far more sinister and complex so I feel that it is a bit of false advertising. 

Recommend: Don't know

Grade: B

Side Notes:

-Smoking is utterly disgusting.

-Percelle Ascott is the true breakthrough star of this film; he's brilliant and a marvel in all his scenes.

-George MacKay's character is such a dick that when his friend needs to step aside, he is super pissed, not supportive of the news.

-Men can have their drinks drugged just like women.

-Also, men who have extreme power and connections are the utter worst. 

-This film covers a ton of time and it is shocking at how many people Hector Blake (Bonneville) probably ended up killing during that time.