Sunday, September 4, 2022

Schindler's List (1993)

 Pros: One of the best films of all-time though it is painfully sad, nearly completely capturing the Holocaust, a horrific part of the world's history that should also never be forgotten. Liam Neeson is memorizing as the business owner determined to profit and take advantage of the war though he eventually comes to realize that the Holocaust, the complete and shameless murder of Jews isn't right as they can also contribute to society so he fights to save them and becomes a hero in the process.

Cons: Honestly, not really any, though I do wonder how Schindler finds Stern (Ben Kingsley) in the first place and gets him to help cook the books, so to speak, but other than that, the film is a flawless masterpiece.  

Recommend: Yes, though this film should come with a trigger warning

Grade: A

Side Notes:

-The cinematography is in black and white except for the prologue and heart-wretching epilogue save for the little girl's vivid red coat and the candles at the sabbath celebration.

-Ralph Fiennes is one of the countless Nazi villains in this film, standing from his balcony, just shooting and killing random Jews just because he can. He kills the engineer and then follows her advice. 

-The epilogue consists of the actual survivors from his factory laying rocks on his grave along with the actors who portrayed them.

-Jews had to be clever, hiding in some of the grossest places around, but at least they survived.

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