Friday, September 30, 2022

Ghost World (2001)

 Pros: Great performances by actual teenagers portraying actual teenagers, recent high school graduates, Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca (Scarlett Johannsen), this film is an interesting little film, a great character study. Initially both Enid and Rebecca are on the same page, find some sort of job and get an apartment together, forgoing the tradition choice of college. Each actress is pitch perfect as the aimless teens, having few hobbies between the two of them, though they feel everyone around them is lame. Steve Buscemi is great as Enid's kindred soul and eventual friend, Seymour, a fellow vintage music lover.

Cons: The plot is thin though the fascinating characters keep it steadily moving forward, though I wish something had worked out for any one of them as they are ultimately decent human beings and deserve happiness.

Recommend: Maybe

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-I can't help but wonder if the bus is a metaphor for death as the bus doesn't have a route on that road anymore and it first collects the old man and then drives off with Enid at the end, despondent that her life has gone nowhere.

-Though there isn't much plot, everything is intricately thought out and ties together brilliant, uniquely and honestly, probably relatively realistically. 

-Illeana Douglas is great as the bizarre art teacher who adores the simple over the complex and is even okay with plagiarism as long as its explained properly. 

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