Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Glee: Hearts

This was an interesting episode and considerably better than the last two. In this show, we finally get to meet Rachel's dads, Hiriam and LeRoy, played to perfection by Brian Stokes Mitchell and Jeff Goldblum. And they did not disappoint, though it took me some time to figure out what they really were up to. They showed up in the auditorium, totally supportive of Finn and Rachel being together and getting married. In fact, they even invited Finn and his parents over to there house and pushed Finn and Rachel to spend the night together for a night of "teenage love-making". I was shocked and wondered what they were up to, but then I got it. They were setting them up, to prove that marriage was going to be extremely difficult and was not something to be taken lightly. It took less than no time for Rachel and Finn to get into a nasty fight, because Finn snapped at her, saying that he was not going to spend the rest of his getting her drinks. But then, in less than no time, and with no explanation, they were back together, but after all, it was Valentine's Day. That was the only bad moment in an otherwise flawless episode. Also, Finn and Rachel opted to announce their engagement to whole Glee club, and some of them reacted well, while others did not. Santana: "You have my permission to spend the rest of your life unhappily married to Finn." Puck, who is not one to talk, asked when the due date was, a question that was never answered or even acknowledged. In the meantime, you would think that Puck would have his hands full of the house full of sorierty girls that were all his Valentine's Day Date.
The other plot lines: Mercedes finally broke the news about her and Sam to Shane, and he took the news hard (he even cried about it), but she felt as though she had betrayed Shane (which she had) and was not ready to date anyone until she figured herself out better, which makes tons of sense. Also, in the most ironic moment of the show, she sang the Dolly Parton/Whitney Houston classic "I Will Always Love You" and she sang it brilliantly, even better than Jennifer Hudson's performance at the Grammys, and Sam's purely emotional face helped. You could just see his heart break, again. And Shane looked equally devastated.
And then there was Sugar, the ultra-rich girl, who finally got a good amount of screen time. She successfully paid the rest of the money so New Directions could go to Regionals. And then she threw the biggest Valentine's Day parties on the face of this Earth, but only couples were allowed. Cue Rory and Artie to fight over who would win her heart. And fight they did, but nicely, by giving her tons of presents, including bringing a real dog into school, and swooning her with love songs. In the end, the homesick Rory won, because Sugar felt worse for him than Artie. Artie still came to the party, albeit single. And probably, lonely.
In the meantime, Kurt was missing Blaine something awful, but was still getting tons of presents from a secret admirer, whom Kurt assumed was Blaine, but it turned out to be his old nemesis, Karofsky (aka David) who professed his own love of Kurt to him. Kurt, natually, was touched but made it clear that his heart belonged only to Blaine, which left Karofsky noticably hurt and mad.
Santana and Brittany were also facing their own dilemma. Principal Figgins called them in the office and told them that they could no longer kiss in public. Santana was upset over this one. And that part of the plotline was never really solved.
Also, the other winner from the Glee Project, Samuel Larsen, finally showed up, in the form of the former homeschooled, son of a Bible salesman, Joseph Hart. And he did well in his small part, and sang "Stereo Hearts" quite well. It was up to the Christian Club to sing the Valentine's Day grams to everyone, and Santana ordered (and paid the expensive ten dollars) them to sing a song to Brittany, and after mulling it over and, for Joseph, praying about it, they followed threw. And all was right in the world. Blaine returned from eye surgery and the show ended with a great rendition of "Love Shack".
This was a really good episode, and despite the multiple plotlines, everything blended together quite well, and the performances were really top notch. The songs, including the nice medley "LOVE" sang beautifully by Tina and Mike, were all really great, especially Mercedes's excellent "I Will Always Love You". And there were some great lines, all-in-all, a great episode with only one minor problem, how do Rachel and Finn make-up? Oh, well, I guess we'll never know, and that makes me sad. Grade: A-

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