Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oscar predictions!!

Best Picture
Will Win: The Artist
Should Win: The Artist

Best Actor
Will Win: Jean Dujardin
Should Win: Jean Dujardin

Best Actress
Will Win: Viola Davis
Should Win: Michelle Williams

Best Supporting Actor
Will Win: Christopher Plummer
Should Win: I guess Christopher Plummer though I have not yet seen his performance.

Best Supporting Actress
Will Win: Octavia Spencer
Should Win: Berenice Bejo

Why: Though I have only seen twelve of the twenty nominated performances, I still have valid opinions. For Best Actor, I really feel (and hope) that Jean Dujardin is going to win, because he did, after all, win the SAG award and the BAFTA, though Clooney is stiff competition. But I'm hoping that Dujardin pulls the upset, he deserves it so much more than Clooney. Brad Pitt is also great in Moneyball. For Best Actress, this once again, could go either way, either Meryl Streep or Viola Davis could win, and I'm going with Davis, though she and Streep both give a great performance and they have split the pre-Oscar awards, I hope Davis wins over Streep because The Help is just a much better film. That said, I felt that (out of the three nominees I have seen) Michelle Williams gave the best perfromance, disappearing under Marilyn Monroe's skin perfectly. For Best Supporting Actor, I have only seen Jonah Hill and Kenneth Branagh, but if anyone other than Christopher Plummer wins, I will shocked out of my mind. For Best Supporting Actress, I feel that Octavia Spencer has this one in the bag, having won tons of pre-show awards, and though she gives a great performance, I felt that Berenice Bejo was much better in The Artist, expressing so much by saying nothing. However, though I think that both Williams and Bejo were better, I will not be displeased with Davis and Spencer win because they do both deserve it. Well, either way it will be fun because this year, the Oscars are so unpredictable this year, it's great. Have fun watching!

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