Friday, November 23, 2012

Glee: Dynamic Duets

This episode was interesting, but certainly one of the better ones so far this season, and there was a plot twist and everything, it was great!
First off, the Nationals trophy was stolen by the Warblers and Blaine, seriously missing Kurt, went to retrieve it. Surprise, it wasn't stolen by Sebastian, but by the new captain. He is holding the trophy hostage until Blaine rejoins the Warblers, and he almost does, as Kurt was the main reason he transferred. But luckily, Sam shows him the way and what is so great about being at McKinley and he decides to stay put. Crisis avoided.
Which leads us to the other main plot and the one I found much more interesting. Finn, struggling to find his way, decides that duets will get the enemies to form bonds and become closer. At first this doesn't work, at least with Ryder and Jake. Finn forces them to reveal their weaknesses to each other. Jake first tells (and that's important) Ryder that he never fits in anywhere as he is half white, half black and half Jewish, so everyone picks on him for some reason or another. Ryder, then, decides not to tell him his and Jake gets mad. Ryder says, "I made you tell me because I couldn't read it." At first I thought it was because Jake's handwriting was so bad but then I realized something deeper. Ryder couldn't read. I was quite surprised.
Jake tells Finn who gets Jake to see a specialist who diagnoses Ryder as (both my sister and I guessed and bet) dyslexic. Ryder, who is mad at first, is glad that Finn told someone. He can finally get the help he needs. Yey.
Also, Marley has two guys fighting over her, though her self-esteem needs some work. Kitty, still being mean, pretends to join forces with her, sneaking in cruel remarks whenever she can. In the end, Marley becomes upset when Ryder can't hang out with her because he has to meet with a specialist, but she stands up to Kitty and decides to hang out with Jake instead. Jake has won this round, so now the game is even. Ryder may have gotten the first kiss but Jake has the first date.
As for everything else, the songs (three of the five) were quite good and there was nothing from New York, which is perfectly fine with me. And I didn't even miss Mr. Schuster, though Finn is starting to look a lot like him, wearing the same clothes and everything. It's weird, but it works. Grade: A-

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