Friday, November 16, 2012

Glee: Glease

Tonight, okay last night, Glee performed Grease, to interesting results.
First off, we returned to New York where Rachel is preparing for her first Off-Broadway audition, an avant-garde production of The Glass Menagerie. Cassandra advises her against it, though Rachel doesn't listen. Instead, she encourages Cassandra to audition for the role of Amanda, the southern belle mother. Cassandra rightly took this as an insult. Thus, she strongly encouraged Kurt and Rachel to return for the opening night of Grease, which they did. Cassandra had her own agenda, asking Brody to be her TA. While Brody is helping her choreograph something and they kiss. Really, Brody? I thought you were better than that, but obviously not.
Back in McKinley, Mr. Schuster announces that he is leaving and the club takes the news hard and they are also not pleased that Finn is now in charge. Sue is even more upset and does everything in her power to ruin the club and the musical. She calls Unique's parents to inform them that their son was bullied. His parents then encouraged him to drop out of the musical and wear boy clothes at school. Poor Wade. However, Finn and Artie had the perfect Rizzo up their sleeves: Santana, who can just come back for the musical. She, after all, had the part memorized since she was one. And she did well, though part of me felt that Tina (who needs more attention, as she has been forgotten since season one) would have done just as well. Oh, and by the way, she and Mike are working things out. At least one couple can be mature about it.
Kurt refused to listen to anything Blaine (the perfect teen angel) had to say. Rachel and Finn also have a nice talk, but that's because Rachel goes crazy and sees herself as Sandy for the finale of Grease with Finn as Danny. When she calls Brody, Cassandra picks up the phone, so the audience assumes that the two probably slept with each other. Did they? I hope not, but I would put nothing past Cassandra. Finn decides, after a sweet conversation, proving that they both can act, that they must avoid each other. We'll see if that works out.
As for Sandy, Kitty (that nasty witch) in an effort to get her revenge, takes Marley's Sandy costume and sews it tighter every night, causing Marley to think that she's gained weight. Kitty then tells Marley to force herself to throw up to lose the weight. Marley seriously considers this, but lucky Ryder comes in to save the day and the show. Though I do like Marley, you would think she would figure out that something is up because none of her other clothes are getting tight, but whatever, that issue was unresolved.
Now, though the performance of Grease received a good review from the hard to please sophomore critic, I would have loved to see more of it, and not had Rachel's crazy hallucination imagining her and Finn and Kurt in the musical, because the finale was really, really good.
Ultimately, I didn't like this episode much. I wish they would focus more on the actual members of the Glee club and more on the musical itself. Still, this episode could have been much worse. Grade: B

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