Saturday, November 10, 2012

Glee: The Role You Were Born to Play

Well, after a five week hiatus, Glee finally made its return and it was a pretty good episode.
This episode was what I hoped the entire season would be like as everything took place in the world of McKinley High.
Auditions for Grease were upon the Glee Club and Artie managed to convince Finn to co-direct with him and Finn agrees, somewhat reluctantly.
Blaine sings "Hopelessly Devoted to You" for his audition, which is odd as he cheated on Kurt, but whatever, and then tells Artie and Finn that he doesn't have it in him to play a romantic lead. He is later cast as the Teen Angel.
However, this means that Grease won't have a Danny so Finn sets out to find one. He discovers Ryder Lynn, an underachieving dancing football player, played by the Glee Project winner, Blake Jenner. Finn tells Ryder that he used to be just like him, but joining Glee club helped him pick up his grades, surprise, surprise. Thus after tons of encouraging, Ryder auditions and discovers Marley whom he likes. However, Jake doesn't like that someone is flirting with Marley, so he decides to audition and Kitty comes with him and they dance their way to a callback, though Kitty is determined to destroy Marley.
Also, Unique longs to be Rizzo, the role he feels that he was born to play. Artie doesn't agree with that but he's glad that Finn believes in something. Sue, however, has a major problem with Unique playing a role that normally a girl would get. Finn stands up for Unique by bashing Sue, but in the process, he calls her baby retarded, enough to cause me to be shocked and gasp loudly, as that was truly uncalled for and cruel. Sue will punish him in someway and, quite frankly, he deserves it. In the end, Unique gets the part.
The only other area of interest was Will's upcoming trip to Washington, which Emma reluctantly agreed to go on and finally, at the end of the episode changes her mind and though Will doesn't want to be apart but he doesn't want her to be unhappy so he will go by himself, but they will trade off weekends, which sounds fair to me.
As for the parts, Ryder will be Danny and Marley, yey, though Artie doesn't like that she's not a blonde, gets Sandy. Next episode will be interesting.
The only part I had a problem with was Artie calling in Mike and Mercedes for creative input for the musical. Seriously, these guys are in college now, they can't just come back whenever you want and Mike and Tina (still grossly underused) didn't even get any closure in their relationship, which would have been nice. Still, overall it was pretty good and the songs were enjoyable and well-done. Hopefully next week wil lalso be good. Grade: B+

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