Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Middle: From Orson with Love

Finally a new episode. And it focused on social media.
First, to Mike's plot line. He actually answers the phone, an action that he instantly regrets. It was Frankie's dad, Tag (Jerry Van Dyke). Tag wants to meet Mike at Stuckeys and talk to him and that what happens, with Tag telling Mike absolutely everything that has ever occurred in his life. Mike is overwhelmed and not pleased with everything. Why is Tag doing this? Because he read the book Tuesdays with Morrie and is taking it literally, even giving Mike a binder of stories to take home with him. When Mike tells him the truth, using his own words against him, and looks Tag in the eye and says that he wants to stop. Tag is pleased because that is the whole point he was trying to make. In the end, social media comes to Mike's rescue as he creates a facebook and can now watch Tag online along with other people. Problem solved.
Frankie is worried about Sue as she wasn't invited to a sleepover, though Carly (Blaine Saunders) was and pictures of it appeared all over facebook. To increase her popularity and get more to notice her statuses, Frankie creates several false profiles and friends Sue. She then, invites girls over for a sleepover at the Heck house and things just go downhill from here. Frankie is mad at Carly for doing stuff without Sue so she is cold to her the whole night. She also bombards the girls with pictures for the whole night, even dragging Jenna (Bunhead's Bailey Buntain) across the room for a cute pose. She even breaks the TV by taking a picture. Sue finally tells her to back off which she does, thank goodness as it was getting painful. Mike tells Frankie that it doesn't matter if the world doesn't know that Sue had a good time, as long as she and the other girls know it, that's fine. Frankie and her four fake profiles unfriend Sue, though tons of people liked her photo anyway.
Now to the funniest plot. While Axl is tearing through his room to find a clean shirt, he discovers a box with baby bunnies. Apparently, though he wasn't supposed to let Bugs (the bunny given to him by Frankie way earlier in the season) out, but of course he did and Bugs met this friend and they gave each other piggyback rides and (points to the box) that happened. Axl, after Brick gives him a dollar to unseen what he just saw, tells him to take the bunnies to the Frugal Hoosier Parking Lot, but he is unable to give any of them away, and even gains two kittens. They, then, decide to make the bunnies and kittens viral and stage videos of them reenacting James Bond films. The result is awkward and hilarious. I do hope they got PEDA's approval because the animals were real and dressed in costumes. Despite everything, they manage not to get caught, which is a true miracle and eventually the animals find good homes so everything works out. They also have some bonding moments which are truly the best parts of the episode. Axl teaches Brick the look of how to pick up girls and mentions that he has a lot to teach him before leaving for college. Brick later asks him how college will work. Axl explains that he is going away. Brick thought that things would stay like they were and Axl would eventually move into his parents' room. Axl said he would be home at Christmas to pick up his presents and Brick could visit him whenever he wanted.
Though there are problems with this show, including the obvious one of Sue accepting friend requests from fake people that she doesn't know, and everything wraps up a little too quickly and perfectly, but it is still one of the funniest episodes of the season. Next week is the prom episode, and Cassidy better be in it or else ABC will get another nasty email from me. Grade: A

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