Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Middle: Hallelujah Hoedown

Someone totally called it. Yes, it wasn't me or any of my friends but this random person on facebook totally predicted what would happen in this episode.
I'll get to the prom later.
First off, Sue hasn't passed her driving test yet. She's failed it five times while all of her friends, including Becky (Jessica Marie Garcia) who has been in juvie, passed it. Sue is jealous and she hates feeling that way. Not even the wise words from Reverend Tim Tom (Paul Hipp) can help her. While at the title dance, though it wasn't really a dance, but whatever, she has an absolute freak-out, for her at least. Luckily, Reverend Tim Tom comes through, and after some more wise words from him and all her friends, even her mom, who came only because Brad said it was an emergency which it clearly wasn't. Though Sue is pumped and determined to pass, she can't take it for another month because she's already taken it five times. Oh well, she's just remained pumped for another whole month. Or four weeks as she puts it.
Then, Mother's Day is coming up. Frankie is determined that this time, Mike will not fail. In the past, Mothers' Days have gone absolutely horrible for Frankie, but she is determined to change that. She tells each one of her kids exactly what she wants. But Sue is too depressed and jealous to remember, Axl was too busy getting ready for prom and Brick remembered and even picked it out while shopping with Mike but Mike refuses to get it for her because it is a back massage machine and he is convinced that she will hate it. Then Mike gives up and lets Brick wander around the store himself. In the end, Brick finds a pair of yellow pants and believes that Frankie will like them. Mike could do no worse when he asks a random woman what size pants she wore because she was around Frankie's size. Great move, Mike, brilliant, one of your finest moments. Frankie was furious upon opening her present and they look absolutely awful on her. She rolls them up and they actually make a decent back support for her at work.
Now to prom. Boss Co. is still at work, asking people out to prom and earning money for their limo. But Axl won't be joining them because Cassidy isn't a prom kind of girl. However, when Axl comes into her class and asks another girl to prom for another guy, she freaks out. Yes, she thinks school spirit is stupid, but this is still prom and she still wants to go, so after throwing money at Axl, he asks her out and she says yes and they share a quick kiss in front of the whole class. She lets him off too easily.
I'll get back to them in a bit. Darrin and Sean are back and are taking Courtney and Debbie to prom, but they pull an Axl and can't figure out which one they brought. Axl hisses at them, "Not so easy is it?" They spend the night dancing in a square which was hilarious.
Back to the serious stuff. While dancing, Cassidy says that she wants all of the next weeks with Axl. He gets confused because he doesn't understand what a summer course at Vassar (which is in New York, for the record) entails. She will be leaving and no amount of tubing will change that. She says that it doesn't even matter because after she goes away, they won't be together anyway. Axl is taken aback. "What did you think would happen?" Axl's response? Typical Axl: "You should know me well enough to know I don't think." And then he says why wait for three more weeks, and they break up just like that. Axl is crowned prom king and Cassidy flees the auditorium leaving Axl alone on the dance floor. And, just like the guy on facebook predicted, Weird Ashley shows up to save the day. Axl was there for her last year and now she was there for him this year. My, my how times have changed. I will never be able to listen to Simple Plan's "Welcome to My Life" enough times to cure this pain, though I knew they wouldn't last, but I never expected Cassidy to be so insensitive about the whole thing, and Axl, for the love of God, would you please grow up? Please. And Cassidy, I thought you loved him. If you truly loved him, then you wouldn't have done this. Then again, Cassidy and long distance relationships don't mix. She dumped Cliff while he was at Northwestern so it certainly wouldn't have worked out anyway, but still, I had hope.
I wonder if Axl and Weird Ashley are actually dating, though she seems to believe that they are leaving Axl to bang his head against the door. Also, another note, why in the world did Sue and prom not come up when that was a major plot point last year? I still have hope that Sarrin will mend the fences and get back together. Another interesting note, this was Cassidy's first prom, though she did protest at a dance freshman year for gender equality.
Ultimately, this episode wasn't that good. None of the plots were spectacular and I hate feeling devastated but it could have been handled so much better. Mother's Day and The Middle just don't mix. There's only two new episodes left this season, and hopefully they're better than this one. Grade: B


  1. I think we all saw the break up coming from the episode description, but there may still be something else going to happen in the last two episodes of the season. The whole season has been very positive for all the Hecks, so it's hard for me to believe the writers are going to end the season with such a downer or loss for Axl.

    Since the Cassidy character was introduced, we've seen her do three real about faces for Axl. Once when she was tutoring him and she liked him in spite of being a football player. Second when she dumped her boyfriend for him, and third when she took him back after she was mad at him for almost burning her house down. The writers might have one more surprise coming out of left field. After thinking it over, in the last episode of the season, after she was supposed to leave for Vassar, she might reappear on Axl's doorstep and say she's changed her mind and is going to [whatever school Axl is going to] because having a Vassar education doesn't mean much if she's not with Axl. Then again, maybe the writers are just done with the Cassidy storyline. :)

  2. Thank you for commenting, I don't too many of them. And yes, I was expecting them to break-up but it couldn't have come at a worse time and it was the way she did it that truly upset me. Prom is not the time to bring up the future in the way she did it, especially since Axl isn't too bright. I like what you have in mind for getting Cassidy to change her mind again, because she's completely changed her mind in the past. However, I also want Sue and Darrin (aka Sarrin) to get back together, so we will see what happens in the next two episodes.

  3. You may not get many comments because your blog is really hard to find. Last week I didn't know the exact name and I Googled your name and blog and The Middle, and I still couldn't find it. That's when I asked you.

    Anyway, I'm not sure why this is bothering me so much, because I know they are only characters, but I just don't like the way it ended. I looked ahead and not the next episode, but in the final one for the season, "The Graduation," Galadriel Stineman is listed in the guest cast, but there's do plot description yet. So if this doesn't turn out to be a happy ending, it least it's probably going to have a better ending.

    They may also going to be leaving it until next season to resolve, because when these were shot, the show's future was still up in the air and they couldn't sign another regular actor until they know if they're coming back.

    I'm more OK with Sue's situation since she and her boyfriend mutually agreed to breakup and both are OK with the situation.

    I do have to disagree with one comment you made in your blog. Axl wanted to go to the prom with his friends, but he wasn't asking Cassidy because he thought she didn't want to go. He was really thinking of her, trying to do what she wanted instead of what he wanted, which is quite unlike the old Axl. When she told him what she actually wanted, he didn't even wait around, he asked her right then. When she was direct with him, she got what she wanted. It would have disappointed me if she had done anything to him. Just my opinion.

  4. I'm glad Cassidy didn't do anything to Axl in front of the class, but maybe behind the scenes something happened and I did look it up and yes, Cassidy will be back for the graduation episode, but it doesn't look like they'll do much with her because the main plot lines involve Sue attempting to get her license again, Brick failing as his job as class historian and Axl not telling Frankie what he wants to do for a graduation party, but I can only hope they at least end on good terms, just as Sarrin did.

  5. Agreed. They don't have to do much to at least smooth it out. Maybe at that point they just didn't know what the show's fate was going to be and didn't want to start something. See you next week. I enjoy the blog.
