Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Mindy Project: Take Me with You, Season One Finale

This show started out with such high hopes, and then it fell flat and has seldom lifted itself up since then.
Mindy Lahiri (Mindy Kaling) is an ob-gyn who is selfish and inconsiderate of others. She is careless in her social life and isn't even that nice to her friends, putting herself before them. And yet, I want her to succeed and find love. Throughout the first season, she dates the successful lawyer, Josh (Tommy Dewey) who turned out to be seeing another woman, Heather (Ellie Kemper) and have a drug problem. Then there is her ill-fated attempt to date the rival midwife whose office is above her. Finally, she settles with the pastor Casey (Anders Holm) who is way too frisky for a pastor.
Despite the show focusing tons on her dating life, her work life is much more interesting, thanks to the interesting former jailed nurse, Morgan (Ike Barinholtz), who gets fired for sending a letter to Danny's (Chris Messina's) ex-wife Christina (Chloe Sevigny, grossly miscast). He even has a dog in the office. Besty (Zoe Jarman) is one of the most underdeveloped character on TV, though her crazy co-worker, Beverly (Beth Grant) has some interesting situations. And then there is Jeremy (Ed Weeks), the hot British doctor with whom Mindy occasionally sleeps with, though he is incapable of having a deep relationship.
The season finale includes Casey going off to Haiti for a year, and Mindy debating over going with him. She decides to go, then changes her mind, and then changes it back, because sometimes you just have to say yes. Mindy wanted a serious relationship for some time; she wants very much to get married and have babies and now that she's finally in one, she wants to get out. But then, she shows up at his apartment, lies about being pregnant just to get his attention, and proclaims that she is definitely coming, having even chopped off her hair to prove to him how much she cares.
Danny is less than thrilled with her new hair style and they almost have a moment, but she ruins it by telling him that she is back with Casey.
The finale was messy, with both major couples, Danny and Christina (yes, they got together, but things aren't going that well between the two of them) and Mindy and Casey, but for whatever reason, Morgan joins them, and even asks to watch Danny and Christina having sex. It's horribly awkward.
The show tries, but fails to be funny most of the time, though Mindy does get some good lines every now and then. Still, I hated introducing the midwives and having Mindy date them, that time could have been better spent developing either Betsy's or Jeremy's characters. And I wish Casey was truly religious, though the episode where he wanted Mindy to convert was pretty good and actually brought religion, a normally taboo topic as a main plot line on network television.
Also a problem are Mindy's friends, Anna Camp is one of Mindy's best friends, Gwen, who is married and has a daughter, but she is boring. Mindy's other friends, Alex (Kelen Coleman) and Maggie (Mary Grill). Alex briefly dates Danny but dumps him upon finding out that he had an ex-wife and Maggie is a teacher who broke her leg so bad she's in a wheelchair. They are interesting but underused.
Danny and Mindy sort of flirt, but it doesn't seem promising between the two of them, but he actually likes her, despite all of her huge flaws, and I hope for the two of them to end up together, at some point. And I doubt Mindy will end up going to Haiti; I know she won't last long there. Season: B-, Finale: B

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