Monday, February 3, 2014

Looper (2012)

I wanted to like this film. I really did, but I just couldn't.
Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a cold-blooded killer. His job is killing people sent back from the future. He knows that at the end, he will have to kill his future self and then will no longer have that job. He will have to live the rest of his life, thirty years, before being killed. I was surprised by that.
However, in the future, a man called the Rainmaker rules the place with an iron fist. He is the one who controls the illegal time travel, which only exists in the future world. The older Joe (Bruce Willis) is living the good life, but he hates it. He is a junkie and a woman (Summer Qing) saved him. He marries her, but when he is collected for his scheduled death, she is also killed. He still travels back in time, but it is to kill the small child who will grow up to become the Rainmaker. But, of course, this doesn't go over well. You are not supposed to let your 'loop' run. It happened to Joe's friend, Seth (Paul Dano), but Joe gives up Seth to his boss, Abe (Jeff Daniels), just so he can keep all his silver.
Joe is now hunted by Abe's hunchmen, the Gats, led by the young and sometimes foolish, Kid Blue (Noah Segan). While the older Joe hunts the small boys who will become the Rainmaker, Joe finds refuge in a farmhouse owned the tough Sara (Emily Blunt, sounding completely American). She lives there with her son (or nephew), Cid (Pierce Gagnon), and though she is perfectly tender to Cid, she is ruthless to vagrants. But Cid possesses a special rare power, which only exists in this time. (It is 2044, Kansas.) It is a telekinetic power, which is not fully explained. This power can be deadly and Cid is also one of the three children that could grow up to the Rainmaker. This is later confirmed when Cid yells at Sara, calling her a liar. A look of horror appears on her face, knowing that she is raising a killer. But she doesn't give up on him. He just needs to control his power.
Though this film is interesting, putting another twist on time travel, I am left with many questions. Is Abe the Rainmaker from the future, who controls both the future and the near future? And what will truly happen to young Cid? Spoiler: He doesn't die. Also, Joe travels back in time solely to save his wife? I know this may sound awful, but is it worth it? Worth it to kill all these other people just to save one life? The body count is too many too count in this film. Violence riddled this film.
On the other hand, the acting was quite good. Daniels and Dano always put in consistent performances, though neither have received the recognition they deserved. It is also nice to see Piper Perabo, as the stripper Suzie, who sometimes hooks up with Joe, in a film for once. Blunt, Willis and Gordon-Levitt were fantastic. But if you want to see a time travel film staring Bruce Willis try 1995's 12 Monkeys, also starring a youngish Brad Pitt, Oscar-nominated. Grade: B

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