Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Middle: Hungry Games

This was a good episode.
Axl (Charlie McDermott) is back from college solely because Frankie (Patricia Heaton) has a squatter's coupon for this all-you-can-eat buffet, but they must go to church first.
Things get off to a rocky start because Sue (Eden Sher) is starting to look at colleges including East Indiana State and Axl doesn't want her to go there, no way, no how so at church, they pray out loud, in stage whispers, pinching each other like they are ten years younger than their actual age. Despite the stern looks and snaps from their parents, it continues and Mike (Neil Flynn) throws a song book at Axl but it hits a lady instead.
Thus, the visiting pastor, Reverend Deveaux (Keegan-Michael Key) corners them after church and insists on meeting with them to cure their ailments. And just when they think they are getting out of there, Brick (Atticus Shaffer) says that he feels invisible. His parents never buy him the toothpaste he wants and he feels that they would be happier without him, though he never actually tells them that.
Then, Sue says that she got drunk at a party and danced inappropriately. By that, she had one sip of a drink that contained alcohol and spit it right back out and then later twerked. Reverend Deveaux gets sick of listening to all of her petty sins and can't believe that she's a junior in High School. He thought she was in Middle School.
Then, just when he completely tires of Sue, he catches Frankie and Mike fighting. So he calls them both back in and Frankie has one of her crying fits, because she has so much responsibility with her children and parents all needing her. But the Reverend says that she doesn't have to put the burden all on herself, Mike is there to help.
After releasing Frankie and Mike, he still doesn't let them go, but Axl comes through, saying that his family has each other's backs and works through their issues. Reverend Deveaux buys this so the family finally heads off to the buffet, but Axl did actually sort of mean what he said. Frankie cries happy tears this time. She had a good parenting moment.
This was a great episode with a great guest turn from Keegan-Michael Key. And the Hecks continue to put in great performances week after week without receiving the credit they are due. My dad got a good chuckle out of Mike the hymn book and accidentally hitting someone else. Grade: A
Side Notes:
-Axl starved himself for four days leading up to this buffet. No wonder he gets light headed.
-Brick mentions to Reverend Deveaux that his parents brought home the wrong baby, that he sits on a lawn chair at the family dinner table but what upsets the Reverend the most is that they didn't make him lime jello for ten years. Great callbacks to past episodes.
-Reverend Deveaux is from Cleveland and makes tons of Cleveland references. He's met LeBron James twice and compares the family to the 1987 Browns.
-I can't believe that a JPLAW party could include alcohol, and how does Sue even know what twerking is as she doesn't get out much.
-Sue also made up this completely bizarre game that the rest of the family didn't even know existed so of course she always wins.
-Axl says that he will change his name and get a cheap Mexican face transplant if Sue attends his college.
-Brick learns that he doesn't actually like the flavor of toothpaste that he's wanted for years.

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