Friday, March 24, 2017

Rules Don't Apply (2016)

Okay, just don't watch this.
First of all, why in Hollywood does a girl get pregnant the first time she has unprotected sex? That is unlikely, but it is a plot device that has been used since Hollywood's infancy days.
Warren Beatty may have won an Oscar for directing the brilliant 1981's Reds, but watching this, you'd never guess. He also foolishly wrote the screenplay which is a somewhat jumbled mess.
The first half tells the story you expect: a forbidden romance between two doe-eyed young people both employed by Howard Hughes (also Beatty) while the second half is, I don't really know, attempts to delve into Hughes's mind, which has already been done better in Martin Scorsese's 2004 The Aviator. For the record, Leonardo DiCaprio is a better Hughes than Beatty. The second half also gets Hughes to prove to the world that he is still mentally sane, skipping over Marla's (Lily Collins's) failed career and how Frank (Alden Ehrenreich) rises up as he continues to stand by Howard, for reasons are never truly understood.
Though the film has the saving grace of Alden Ehrenreich and Lily Collins, Beatty never has a handle on how truly insane Hughes was. He is a good actor, but not in this role. Part of it is the screenplay, never showing Hughes's drug addiction and how his mind is slowly slipping away. He is an eccentric and often off his marbles, which is shown, but no reason is shown. And he doesn't respect women in the slightest.
The rest of the actors including Candice Bergen, Ed Harris, Matthew Broderick, Annette Bening and Martin Sheen are beyond wasted in this film. The film never captures the authentic atmosphere it needed; they are pretending to be in the late 1950s, not actually in the 1950s, and there is a difference. Grade: C

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