Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Middle: Exes and Ohhhs

Well, the St. Patrick's Day party Axl (Charlie McDermott) opted to show up at got even weirder. Sure, he may have come to talk to Lexie (Daniela Bobadilla) but instead ran into Devin Levin (Gia Mantegna) and his other ex-girlfriends Cassidy (Galadriel Stineman) and Weird Ashley (Kaitlin Mastandrea). Noticably missing is his first girlfriend, Morgan (Alexa Pena), who I guess was too busy for this show, which is fine, she did just have a baby and everything. Plus, she was always bigger than the show. But I digress.
Axl believes that the universe is telling him something but he didn't stay at the party long enough to find out what it was, he just left. So the next day, he and Hutch (Alphonso McAuley) consult a higher power, Matthew McConaghey in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, which leads him to inviting Devin and Cassidy out for super girly drinks. He wants to find out why their relationships didn't last. But he doesn't really get a straight or firm answer out of either of them. Sure, with Devin he should have wanted to hang out with her, just like they had arranged and with Cassidy, the long distance didn't help, but he never made his motivations completely clear with her. And then Weird Ashley shows up and Axl just says that he doesn't understand why she likes him so much when he's never felt anything for her. She snaps at him, as he never said blatantly that he didn't like her. Hopefully that will force him to think of his actions.
Finally, April (Greer Grammer) comes to visit and though Axl does really like her and even loved her, he doesn't see a future with her and thus, finally firmly ends things with her. She is pissed and I know the feeling.
Sue (Eden Sher) is always having relationship issues, though nothing like Axl. She and Tyler (Keaton Savage) will be attending the Chancellor's Ball but poor Sean (Beau Wirick), wanting to surprise her, shows up fully prepared, only to have Sue tell him that she has someone else, leaving him disappointed at best and heart-broken at worst. So she does go with Tyler even though she feels guilty about Sean and Tyler gets sick of her talking about another guy, which makes total sense, so Sue decides to see if there is going to be anything between her and Sean. Because Aunt Edie's car broke down, she carjacks the Winnebago, despite Axl and April's extremely recent break-up, forcing them to spend more time together, April shooting him daggers the whole time. But once Sue arrives at the Donohue house, Sean has already left, which means Sue won't have a date. Yet, despite everything, Axl decides to not be an asshole and accompanies her to the dance.
Brick (Atticus Shaffer) is thrilled to have purchased a microfiche machine as the library must close a wing because a fast food chain is opening up. Though it annoys both Mike (Neil Flynn) and Frankie (Patricia Heaton), Brick loves reading all of the old newspaper articles until he finds out Frankie's dirty little secret. When she was still in high school, she was caught streaking at a Denny's. And Mike took apart a nasty teacher's car during that time. Brick decides to pull a prank, but fails as his friends aren't feeling it. The best he can pull is mixing up the letters on the sign at church advertising a pancake breakfast. Poor Brick, but he will find something to be remembered for in high school, he still does have three more years.
Now, I had some problems with this episode. First of all, while Axl went to pursue Lexie, he was still dating April the whole time, so that whole thing strikes me as odd. And when Brick is reading the old newspaper, he is reading articles from twenty years apart at the in the same issue, which doesn't make any sense.
This episode was also too jammed packed of complicated plots and a lot of guest stars, so while I was looking forward to this episode, it fell flat. But Axl did make a major step forward and Sue and Sean will never happen. She already heavily dated one of the Axl's friends so that plot has already happened. I don't want it to happen again. Sue and Sean are better as friends anyway. As for Axl, I wonder who he will end up with, though during last season's finale, Frankie did say that Axl would meet the love of his life, and though he did meet April, I'm glad he broke up with her. He deserves better. Grade: B
Side Notes:
-Weird Ashley was told to cut her hair and Axl would come back to her. She then hands him her bag of hair and informs him that he should probably make it into a tea.
-Cassidy did graduate college six months early, which isn't as good and smart as it sounds. Now, she's unemployed six months early.
-Axl actually made the Dean's List, shockingly.
-Lexie can't believe Axl showed up at that party. She's just glad he has no idea how she feels about him. Of course, that's not true.
-Lexie has a collection of ballgowns and is glad to let Sue borrow them.
-Why does Axl order all those girly drinks? We will never know.
-April comes up to visit and because she didn't eat lunch, she wants to know if they can go out for lunch instead of dinner because you should never skip a meal.
-Most of Tyler and Sue's dates involved driving around picking up drunk people.

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