Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Middle: Hit and Miss

Frankie (Patricia Heaton) can't believe that she has something to be proud of, but Nancy Donohue (Jen Ray) assures her that she does. Frankie doesn't know what it even is.
Turns out Brick (Atticus Shaffer) not only aced his geometry test, but he also made the National Honors Society, as a freshman. Frankie is thrilled and mildly upset that he didn't tell her but Brick knows her so well. She hates school gatherings and bringing a dessert for the dessert table to share but she really wants to go to this but she needs to buy back her own mother's love so instead, she will be going to a musical.
Mike (Neil Flynn) is having his own issues. His work softball team keeps losing and he doesn't like it so he recruits the cash-strapped high school gym teacher Tink Babbitt (Brooke Ollman) to work for the quarry mainly so they can start winning games. Which they do, but without Mike as his back starts bothering him. He gets annoyed, warming the bench, helping with knitting. But then Babbitt gets poached and must go to another team, which is fine with her. Fortunately, Mike gets the last laugh, when they play against each other, she believes that Mike will be an easy out but instead he hits a home run.
Now the plot I cared most about: Lexie (Daniela Bodadilla) comes to the Heck's house for spring break. But she is allergic to the house, with her frizzy hair and severe cold. However, she had an ulterior motive for coming, she still is nursing that super big crush on Axl (Charlie McDermott). Of course, Axl, being a typical male, doesn't realize it until Sue (Eden Sher) accidentally blurts it out. Naturally, Sue, being the good friend, informed Lexie of all the gross and beyond disgusting stuff Axl does but somehow, refined Lexie likes him anyway even though he is still with April (Greer Grammer). This leads him to showing up at a crazy St. Patrick's Day party that he widely said a senior wouldn't be caught dead at. But he's looking for someone and he does see Lexie but instead runs into his one ex Devin Levin (Gia Mantenga). That's right a big plot twist, one that no one could have seen coming. After eight seasons, this show manages to surprise us, something that doesn't happen so often.
Despite Axl's meaness to his only sister, I am still rooting for him and Lexie, mostly because April just isn't anything special. And this time, unlike with Sue and Darrin (John Gammon), Sue gave her blessing to Lexie because she doesn't want to stop people from being happy.
The episode ends on a happy note. Brick is shocked that his parents' show up to the National Honor's Society awards show and makes a big deal out of it. But Frankie finally delivers, bringing the entire dessert table filling it with stuff she made from hand, because that is what love is, doing something you hate for those you love, a great message. So the Hecks finally do have something to be extremely proud of, finally.
All-in-all, this was a solid episode, with some great performances and three solid plots, each getting the time and attention they deserve, allowing both the regular cast members and guest stars to shine. Grade: A
Side Notes:
-Lexie loves how close the kitchen is to the entryway, it's so convenient.
-Lexie's housewarming gift is a fine glass bowl which is so nice Brick believes it belongs at the Donohues.
-Age is just a number, all women are goddesses to Chuck (Greg Sipes).
-Lexie uses the dog shampoo and it isn't FDA approved.
-When Babbitt is at the Frugal Hoosier, she is under obligation to ask Mike if he is eating that chicken tonight, when he says yes, she can sell it to him.
-Axl refers to Lexie as Sue's master because of the whole dog joke.
-Speaking of dogs, Doris actually makes an appearance this episode. She is eating her food out of the nice candy dish Lexie gave them.
-Brick thought he cured himself of a new tick without Frankie noticing, but she did notice this time.
-Axl believes that it is a miracle that he came out of the hillbilly waters of Mike and Sue's DNA.
-When Lexie is done with the good Chewbacca towel, she asks Sue where she should put it so the maid can clean it.
-Fortunately, once Lexie returns to her nice apartment, her sickness clears up immediately.
-Sue knows that they should have weaned her into that house.

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