Saturday, September 9, 2023

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind (2004)

 Pros: Brilliant acting (even from Jim Carrey) makes this film worth while. The plot line is also relatively solid. Clementine (Kate Winslet) and Joel (Carrey) break up and desperate to move on, Clem has Joel erased from her memory, leading Joel to do the same thing, only his brain tries to fight the procedure. So, ultimately, the beginning is also the ending.

Cons: The odd subplot between Howard (Tom Wilkinson) who invites the mind-erasing procedure and his secretary, Mary (Kirsten Dunst) is just plain-old weird, sure, it's the age gap but the hypocrisy that he insisted she had the procedure done so his marriage wouldn't be ruined, but it proves that love cannot be stopped nor forgotten. 

Recommend: Yes

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-Winslet is a revelation in this film. You forget that she's British and survived the Titanic sinking and ever wore a corset.

-The supporting cast includes Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood, as the man who tries to replace Joel and cheats to do so.

-The subconscious is a powerful thing.

-The screenplay is truly clever, despite the odd twist toward the end of the film.

-Despite the characters being completely imperfect for each other, they do love each other and make each other better and I'm glad they find their way back together by the end of the film. 

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