Sunday, September 10, 2023

Love Again (2023)

 Pros: The characters are solid, which makes this film almost worthwhile. Mira (Piranyka Chopra Jonas) is still mourning her late boyfriend when she starts texting his phone which are now routed to Rob's (Sam Heughan's) phone. Rob is dealing with his own issues, his fiance's dumped him and he has to write an article on Celine Dion and he doesn't know where to begin. The supporting characters are also solid and the two leads are great with excellent chemistry.

Cons: The plot is thin and the dialogue is incredibly stilted at times and the ending scene which epically romantic needed some additional dialogue to assure Rob that he was her future. And guys on Bumble are not that attractive, I would know.

Recommend: Depends

Grade: B-

Side Notes:

-It is incredible that all scenes featuring Celine Dion were filmed separately, meaning that she was somewhere else filming her scenes while everyone was else was on the set, though if you look closely enough, you really can tell. 

-The supporting cast includes Brits Russell Tovey and Celia Imrie portraying Americans, while Heughan remains British. Celine Dion portrays herself.

-Heughan's character's name of Robert Burns is not by accident.

-Though Mira's sister, Suzy (Sofia Barclay) has a boyfriend who is never shown on screen.

-Who knows if Mira finishes her new assignment for Celine.

-How long was Rob's deadline for writing that article on Celine?

-Nick Jonas (Priyanka's real life husband) plays one of her dates and he's a complete jerk. 

-They kill off Mira's boyfriend by having a car hit him as he was crossing the street which annoyed me as the same thing was done in Me Before You, they could have killed him off differently. 

-I wish this film included some sort of epilogue as I needed a firmer happy ending. 

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