Tuesday, January 10, 2012

NCIS: A Desperate Man

They cheated. They totally cheated. MASSIVE SPOILERS ALERT AHEAD. They made Ray (Ziva's fiance) the bad guy. I mean, seriously, I'm really glad she won't marry him (he did propose after all) and that he's completely out of the picture, but they had to make him the bad guy? That's complete crap.
The case was fairly interesting, with the husband of the dead navy woman being a homicide detective himself and naturally he's furious about the whole event and deals with it difficultly. He drinks too much and tries to attack the whole NCIS team, and visits the crime scene himself, but without telling anyone of his actions. And then Ray turns out to be the one who killed the woman, but she wasn't the target, another bad guy was. This guy had joined a terrorist group that was against Americans, so he really was bad, but Ray accidently killed the woman. And Ziva figured it out. And then she found Ray at the airport and punched him immediately, telling him that he now had her answer, a firm NO.
At the end of the show, Nick (the husband of the dead woman) told them thank you and asked how long Tony and Ziva had been together, they answered that they weren't but were good friends. Nick told them to treasure that friendship always. It was a good ending to a show that completely cheated. They could have just let things not work out between Ray and Ziva (that's the way things were heading anyway, after all, he had stood her up at dinner and hadn't called her for several weeks while he was overseas) but then the writers had to go and make him the bad guy, which I unfortunately, could see coming, but I feel cheated by the whole thing and I think NCIS is too good of a show to stoop to that level. Not to mention that they have used that plot device more than once, and not just to Ziva, her boyfriend Michael turned out to be a bad guy and Tony shot him. It happened twice to Ducky's love interests, including once already this season, and several times to Tim's love interest. Grade: B-

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