Saturday, January 7, 2012

NCIS: Housekeeping

Now for a break from what I normally write about. I am going to tell you about the last NCIS episode. The plot line brought Erica Jane Barrett back into our world, she is a former agent who took a job that Tony was offered in Spain but then fell off the face of the earth after nearly being killed. For the past couple of months, she has been living off the grid, not even contacting her own parents. Apparently, the same people that are after her are also after Tony, but he never hid, working out in the open the whole time, so that struck me as weird, but whatever. The main I enjoyed this episode is that there were some good Tiva scenes. For years, tenison has built up between the two, and several times they almost got together, and this episode, unfortunately, wasn't any different. Almost but not quite. E.J. told Tony that Ziva respected him, and perhaps something would have happened at Ziva's desk had her CIA boyfriend Ray had not called her, for the first time in seven weeks by the way.
The rest of the plot was fairly interesting, one of the good guys turned out to be evil, and was betrayed by the other evil guy (who he thought was his friend). And then the main evil guy was captured, so he will just his just revenge. So E.J. is finally safe, and able to return home. But Tony and Ziva are still not together.
Next week's episode also looks great, and Ray has finally resurfaced and will pop the big question to Ziva, will she say yes and if she does, why? There are just so many options for how that can play out. Grade: B+

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